How to be a Successful Commercial Photographer

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  1. Get in the Studio

It’s so important to have a studio room. If the phone rings, the first question is, “Do you have a studio?” Clients see this as an extra expense if you rent one, even though it is also included in the photographer’s charge. Getting a studio also helps you to take some very last-minute shoots without the hassle of having to find one that can be rented out. They even help keep your dining room, kitchen, bedroom, hallway, driveway and car free of the photo kit.

  1. Get Kitted Out

Using the best and most up-to-date cameras and lighting in the world is no longer a prerequisite. The picture standard of cameras has exceeded other people’s viewing opportunities today. However, once you fire a camera, you need at least two more of them. That way, if one goes down during a task, you can keep generating the very same files using the spare.

  1. A diverse customer base

Getting a few customers who spend a lot of money is a bold step. When one of them loses his budget or moves somewhere, it will make you financially insecure. Getting a combination of high-paying, low-volume consumers through low-paying high-volume customers ensures consistency and a stable cash flow.

  1. Agent/Manager

Around four years ago, I got my first boss. I’m with an agent in London right now, and that makes a big difference to the way I work. Getting an attorney helps you to play good cop/bad cop, eliminates you from uncomfortable discussions over payments, and frees you to simply take any pictures rather than chase invoices and negotiate everyday limitations with customers.

  1. Be a good friend

Pulling in favours is a large part of starting out. If you’re a decent friend to strangers, they’ll gladly help you out as well. I can’t emphasise how important this is to me.

  1. Networking 

Social networking is a wonderful way to help you notice, but nothing compares to meeting people in person. When someone has met and liked you, the odds of you having a job are way better than if someone loves your new Instagram message. If you call it “networking,” you get queasy to think of it as making new friends. People are buying people.

  1. Attendance

The support of other photographers is a perfect way to understand how to communicate for clients in the business community. From what I’ve learned from U.K. photography alumni, this is something that really isn’t taught here. Understanding how a photo shoot can run from enquiry to execution will help you keep your customers coming back for more.

  1. Analysis in the field

It is important to know the current trends and what other firms are using in their promotional strategies. When you’re in a conference and the customer asks about what their competitors are doing, you’re supposed to know exactly what they’re talking about and understand that the business is going in that direction.

  1. Technical Knowledge

This sounds like a given, but it’s important in commercial photography to know your way around hyperfocal and inverse square law. If a customer sketches a scamp, you need to know how to create the image immediately.

  1. A strong portfolio of businesses

Without a good portfolio, you’ll find it hard to attract high-end commercial jobs. Pick something you’re in love with, and run with it. Irrespective of your passion in photography, there will be a customer out there able to pay decent money for your skill set.

For more information about commercial photography studio Malaysia, please visit

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